
Mount and blade floris troop trees
Mount and blade floris troop trees

It starts at the militia, then it will immediately branch into specializations. Within those troop types, there are also 2-3 different variants, which can be very confusing at first. Swadia has three major troop types, Cav, Inf, and Arch. They also get top-tier horse archers, which also gives them much more versatility.You can typically tell a unit's specialization based on where they are in the troop tree, but it ultimately comes down to you to checking out their stats and remembering who is good at what.

mount and blade floris troop trees

Most swadian lances have a reach of 280 (with the Iron Lance the only exception), but all Sarranid top-class lances have a reach of 320 (longer than any polearm except the longest Rhodok Pike, the Long Phalanx Pike), meaning they will hit their opponents first in a charge.

mount and blade floris troop trees

Sarranids are stronger than in native because they have the longest lances in the game. At the end of it, they're not even good against hte Rhodoks, as their shields are weaker than the huscarl shields of native, their longbows were given to the Swadians, and Rhodok crossbows had their power turned up. They don't get light cavalry like the Rhodoks either, and their anti-cavalry is a joke. In Native there was only a small difference between cheap Nord Longbowmen and Vaegir equivalents that you could quickly make up with numbers, but Nord Archers in Floris can barely dent armor of C5 and above, and their top-class archers don't actually have bows and have horrid range. Nords are hurt a lot because of their archers. Add to that the longest polearms in the game, cheap light cavalry (with the Rhodok Lance, which stabs and recharges from couches faster than some swords) and a solid sword-and-board infantry and you have probably the best faction in the game, definitely the most balanced.

mount and blade floris troop trees

I find that Rhodok A7 crossbowmen can actually fight Nord I7's on even grounds in hand-to-hand. But Floris reduces Nord archers to basically glorified axe throwers at C5, best, whereas Rhodoks get crossbows to C7 and far superior equipment. The fact that Crossbows require no training apart from weapon mastery means that Rhodok Crossbowmen have always been better than Vaegir/Swadian/Sarranid archers in hand-to-hand.

mount and blade floris troop trees

The Rhodoks are the biggest winners in Floris.

Mount and blade floris troop trees